A reasonable accommodation is a change to the workplace or to daily procedures. An accommodation is considered reasonable if it will clearly alleviate a hardship on the protected applicant or employee without creating an undue burden for the employer.
A non-exhaustive list of examples of reasonable accommodations under the PWFA include:
- Parking access close to the building.
- The ability to sit as needed.
- Work attire that fits appropriately.
- Additional break times to eat, rest, and use the bathroom.
- Time off granted for pregnancy-related doctor’s appointments.
- Being excused from labor that is physically strenuous.
- Being excused from labor that includes potential contact with harmful compounds.
- Safe, private space for breast milk expression.
Some pregnant employees may require more (or more specific) accommodations than others. For example, if your pregnancy has created additional health conditions that create difficulties at work, you may need additional accommodations beyond what we’ve listed here.
Learn more by reading our Comprehensive Guide to Pregnancy Discrimination.