We have several options for payment:
- Fixed fee: You pay a fixed amount for our services. Examples may include reviewing or drafting a legal document like a lease or business agreement. This is generally chosen when you have a very specific task.
- Hourly: You pay by-the-hour. This arrangement is commonly used for more involved matters such as negotiating with your employer over a separation or non-compete agreement. We will provide you with a list of hourly rates for all attorneys and staff. We strive to be as cost-efficient as possible.
- Contingency: A contingency means that you do not pay us until and unless you have a recovery/settlement of your case. Once that happens, you will pay the firm a certain percentage of your net recovery. Net recovery is the total amount recovered on your behalf, minus costs and expenses. For example, if you settle a case for $10,000 and there are $1,000 in costs, your net recovery is $9,000. The law firm will receive a percentage of that amount. You are not responsible to pay any attorney’s fees or costs if you have no recovery.