A Jersey City police officer recently filed a whistleblower lawsuit against Jersey City and the Jersey City Police Department alleging he was a victim of unlawful retaliation and harassment in the workplace. The plaintiff, a 22-year veteran of the police department, claims he was maliciously targeted by a supervisor with intent to cause him harm. The plaintiff police officer the defendants of numerous violations including those that pertain to the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA), the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD), the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, and other state laws.
The lawsuit follows a series of events that began in June 2010, when the plaintiff’s superior handed him a “Crash Review Evaluation” report containing racially offensive and gender–based discriminatory language in describing an accident scene and attributed those comments to the plaintiff. The plaintiff denied that he wrote those comments and claimed the report was falsified under the direction of his superior. Following the incident, and despite his denial, the officer claims that he was subject to a hostile work environment fueled by harassment and retaliatory actions including, but not limited to, a transfer of his duties to a different district.
In June 2014, the officer sustained a work-related injury that required surgery and time out of work while he recovered from his injuries. During this time, the plaintiff learned that his former supervisor had been promoted and assigned to a position where he would once again have direct contact with the plaintiff. Fearing further harassment and retaliation, the plaintiff disclosed the June 2010 “Crash Review Evaluation” report to his commanding officers, who later forwarded the report to higher authorities for review.
Upon his doctor’s permission, the plaintiff returned to work in December 2014, after which he claims he suffered continued harassment and retaliatory conduct by his supervisors. According to the lawsuit, this led to a series of adverse employment actions that caused him a loss of income, a change in his assignment, humiliation, emotional and psychological stress and harm, and interfered with his ability to obtain future employment. He is seeking compensation for back pay and benefits, front pay and benefits, and other damages.
Cherry Hill Whistleblower Lawyers at McOmber McOmber & Luber, P.C. Represent Victims of Retaliation in the Workplace
Various state and federal laws offer whistleblower protections for employees willing to report the discriminatory or unlawful actions of their employers. If doing the right thing has caused you to suffer harassment, retaliation, or a hostile work environment, we can help. Contact our Cherry Hill whistleblower lawyers at McOmber McOmber & Luber, P.C. to discuss your rights and legal options. To schedule a confidential consultation with us, call 856-985-9800 today or contact us online.