Understanding Gender Identity Discrimination In New Jersey
Any employee who is ridiculed, denied employment or promotion, or suffers harassment in the workplace because of their gender identity or expression may be entitled to file an employment discrimination claim. Though federal and state laws are still evolving, many contend that they have a long way to go when it comes to direct protection for the transgender community.
With offices in Red Bank, NJ, Marlton, NJ, Newark, NJ, New York, NY, and Philadelphia, PA the employment discrimination lawyers at McOmber McOmber & Luber, P.C. advocate for the employment rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, as well as victims of workplace discrimination related to age, race, gender, and national origin. When an employee suspects that he or she has been a victim of gender identity discrimination, it is critical that he or she consult a qualified employment discrimination lawyer with experience handling gender identity discrimination cases in New Jersey.
Protections For The Transgender Community In New Jersey
There are 21 states plus the District of Columbia that currently have explicitly banned discrimination based on gender identity in both public and private employment. Additionally, there are nearly 200 cities and counties in the country with similar bans. Furthermore, many companies have taken it upon themselves to add anti-discrimination policies that include transgendered people in their protections. New Jersey is one of the 21 states that have strong laws that protect an individual’s right to their own gender identity and expression.
In 1991, the state amended New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) to include protection for people based on sexual orientation, then amended the law again in 2006 to include gender identity. The NJLAD now strictly defends against discrimination in employment or public accommodations. The law also includes the same protections for perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
Transgender Protections Under Title VII Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 The Civil Rights Act Of 1964
Title VII, originally intended to end race discrimination in the workplace, also provides protection against sex discrimination. In several recent cases, this law has been successfully used to defend the rights of the transgender community.
Many times, complaints regarding sex discrimination and gender identity discrimination are similar enough to make a case under Title VII. For example, issues related to dress codes are common to both transgender workers and cisgender workers alike. Harassment is another commonly cited problem in many workplaces. Examples of harassment that affect both groups include teasing, sexual harassment, and inappropriate comments and behavior that lead to a hostile work environment.
Gender Identity Discrimination And The June 2020 Supreme Court Decision
In a historic 6-3 decision on June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that an employee cannot be fired for being gay or transgender under federal law (Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, No. 17-1618 (S. Ct. June 15, 2020)[1]). This case was brought by three workers in Georgia who claimed that they were fired from their jobs because they were gay or transgender. By focusing on the plain text of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Court determined that “it is impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating against that individual based on sex.” For example, if an employer fires a man who identifies as a woman, but would not fire a cisgender woman for the same cause, they are taking action because of gender.
While workers in roughly half the country had previously been protected by local laws that prevented gender identity discrimination, this was the first time employers were barred from firing transgender employees on a federal level. This development is a milestone for the transgender community and is sure to have wide-ranging effects on gender identity discrimination cases in New Jersey and across the country.
What Is Considered Gender Identity Discrimination In The Workplace In New Jersey?
Some believe that there is a thin line between joking with a co-worker and discrimination. However, discrimination occurs whenever a person’s gender, gender identity, or perceived gender or gender identity is the subject of inappropriate behavior, both verbally and physically. Common examples of gender identity discrimination in the workplace include:
- Making unfavorable employment-based decisions on the basis of a person’s transgender status.
- Demoting, firing, laying off, or otherwise denying employment privileges because an employee has undergone or is planning to undergo a gender transition.
- Instituting dress or grooming codes that unfairly target transgender workers.
- Denying a transgender employee access to restroom facilities.
- Intentionally and persistently failing to use the name and gender pronoun that corresponds with the employee’s gender identity, after having been corrected.
New Jersey Employment Discrimination Lawyers At McOmber McOmber & Luber, P.C., Fight For Gender Identity Rights
Before filing a complaint under the NJLAD or federal law, employees who feel they have been the victim of gender identity discrimination should contact McOmber McOmber & Luber, P.C. to discuss your rights and options.
Every person should be given respect and feel safe while at their place of work. If you have worked in a hostile work environment or suffered discrimination based on your gender identity, call the employment lawyers at McOmber McOmber & Luber, P.C. at our convenient Red Bank, NJ, Marlton, NJ, Newark, NJ, New York, NY, or Philadelphia, PA offices, or contact us online today for a free consultation. We can help you understand your options for filing a complaint or pursuing legal action against your employer.